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Verifying important origin and sourcing data.

Origin verification validates origin and sourcing data via scientific analysis of physical products. Using trusted scientific methods, we can determine if your physical product matches its digital or paper-based origin information.

Origin verification is an essential layer in solid traceability systems and offers assurance in reportable sourcing data. Our service applies to all food and resource industries.

Source Certain relies on a powerful combination of Stable Isotope Ratio Analysis (SIRA) and Trace Element Analysis (TEA) to deliver a superior validation result compared to providers using only SIRA.

What kind of origin data/information do we validate?

  • Sourcing data from suppliers (digital or paper-based).
  • Made in/Produced in/Product of claims.
  • GPS and polygon origin data supporting EUDR compliance.

How do we do this?

  1. We organise the collection of reference samples of the product from their known harvest locations.
  2. We analyse these reference samples in our lab using TEA and SIRA to determine a unique ‘reference fingerprint’ for each discrete location.
  3. Products with origin information from those specific locations would, via scientific analysis, match the reference fingerprints we have stored.
  4. If they don’t match, a sourcing issue may be present and require further investigation.

Pre- and post-analysis support

  • Our pre-analysis support includes a discovery phase to understand our client organisation, supply chain structure, challenges, and stakeholders.
  • Our post-analysis support includes expert advice on how to drive action, communicate and/or leverage analysis outcomes.

Talk to us about organising a demo of how our service works.

Why do you need Origin Verification?

We have existing programs running internationally across numerous industries, including seafood, timber, lab-grown diamonds, coffee, wheat and grains, apples, cherries and gold.

Retailers: With vast quantities of SKUs, sourcing locations, and global logistics, there is a higher risk of products being mislabeled, counterfeited, or substituted in the supply chain. Origin information captured in chain of custody data is exposed to more risk of being intentionally or unintentionally manipulated. Scientific verification of the physical products being received and sold on the shelf can validate the sourcing information your team receives from suppliers and reports on to ensure the products are coming exactly from where they claim.

Brands: Managing brand reputation requires accurate information sharing with stakeholders, including customers and investors. Origin information is leveraged in marketing and is vital to accurate reporting against SDG and sustainable sourcing goals. It builds consumer trust and influences purchasing behaviour. If the origin information these activities are based on is inaccurate or false, there can be reputational damage, loss of social license, or accusations of greenwashing.

Producers: Producers invest resources into practices that deliver a premium product to market. From sustainable land and fishery management to organic farming practices and licenced varieties, these investments of time and money are put at risk in complex export markets where boutique and premium produce (like beef, seafood and cherries) are targets of food fraud. Origin verification of a client’s physical product purchased in the export market can ensure that a substituted low-value product is not being sold under their brand and the value of their investment is maintained. Read about our work with Reid Fruits Cherries for a real-life example.

Talk to our team to find out how origin verification can help.

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We trace your product, not just your packaging.

Traditional tracing methods, including packaging, barcodes, and labels supported by digital systems, are not enough to guarantee products’ traceability to origin in global supply chains. Their traceability is limited to where a label was first applied, and they are susceptible to being tampered with.

Our service provides scientific proof that a product is consistent with its claimed origin. This, in turn, validates other vital information associated with your product, like third-party certifications and ESG claims.

We have been providing accurate and reliable outcomes for clients around the world using Stable Isotope Ratio Analysis (SIRA) and Trace Element Analysis (TEA), to prove that the information shared about their products is accurate or to identify exposure to common supply chain risks:

  • Food fraud
  • False claims
  • Product substitution
  • Mislabelling
  • Contamination claims
  • Product adulteration

Our service protects brand reputation, builds consumer trust and validates the integrity of product claims.

  • Build and maintain trust in your sourcing network.
  • Provide confidence to investors and key stakeholders that robust traceability systems are in place.
  • Our scalable service can accommodate small producers with a handful of production sites through to large corporations or industry groups sourcing from hundreds of production sites.
  • We have existing programs running internationally across numerous industries, including seafood, timber, lab-grown diamonds, coffee, wheat and grains, apples, cherries and gold.

Supporting SDG and ESG reporting

The origin of a product connects to Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) commitments and claims delivered at harvest origin, including:

  • Sustainable sourcing, deforestation-free production, environmentally friendly production, slave-free labour, or organic farming methods.
  • Origin verification validates critical origin information relevant to reporting on SDG and ESG-based sourcing goals.

Regulators and stakeholders increasingly require more information about the origin of products for companies to meet their due diligence requirements, such as the European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR). For this reason, it is essential to implement a scientific service that provides evidence-based data for precise sourcing locations.

Enhancing data collection and minimises risk

  • Enhance your data collection process to enable more robust reporting on material sourcing. Our data can support due diligence requirements and chain of custody records.
  • Origin verification is an accurate tool for determining whether materials have been sourced from a region with known deforestation issues, sanctions, or tariffs.
  • Our scientific service adds a layer of security and diversification to otherwise all-digital traceability systems.

What is Origin Science?  

Origin Science describes the scientific techniques and methodologies used to determine a product’s geographical origin. It includes methods of analysis like Stable Isotope Ratio analysis and Trace Element Analysis that can identify minute amounts of chemical markers naturally absorbed into products as they grow. Due to their environmental origins, the markers present in products are intrinsically linked to geographical locations and can validate origin claims made about these products.

Source Certain TSW Trace Elements

Read more about Origin Science


Our origin (provenance) science has been successfully applied to naturally occurring resources, including seafood, timber, meat, cotton, coffee, eggs, dairy, diamonds, metals, and minerals.

Why choose Source Certain for origin verification?  

As pioneers of origin science and the analytical methods required to deliver it, we can validate origin information with an unparalleled level of precision that sets us apart from our competitors. We can pinpoint the exact origin of a product, such as a farm, fishery, pond, plantation, kimberlite pipe or mine. In contrast, other service providers can only identify the country or region of origin.

Pioneered by Source Certain’s Chief Scientist, Dr R John Watling, our analysis methods have undergone 40 years of research and application across various disciplines. Our methods are also routinely employed as a forensic tool and delivered by our Forensic Science Services team, who have over 100 years of combined advanced research and forensic casework experience and are world leaders in the forensic and provenance science field.

By choosing Source Certain, you’re choosing a partner experienced in delivering results and safeguarding your supply chain. Talk to our team to find out how origin verification can help.

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We use trusted science to build trust in important origin information.

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