Posted 01/04/2022

Source Certain International Limited (Source Certain) expands its Research and Education portfolio with a recently awarded $25,000 grant together with research partner, the University of New Haven, West Haven, Connecticut USA.

The grant is distributed by The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven via the Quinnipiac River Fund in Connecticut to support the study of bioaccumulation of heavy metals found in a targeted fish species indigenous to the Quinnipiac River.

Professor Ian Dadour, Source Certain’s Head of Research and Education will be working alongside Chris O’Brien Director of Center for Wildlife Forensic Research at the University of New Haven in developing and executing this program.

Dadour says, “This grant is a great opportunity to demonstrate the exceptional analytical abilities of the company by collaborating with universities globally. Our laboratories will be quantifying heavy metals using TSW Trace technology. ”

The Foundation’s Quinnipiac River Fund was established in 1990 by a court settlement between the Upjohn Company, the Connecticut Fund for the Environment and the Natural Resources Defense Council. The Fund is to be used to improve the environmental quality of the Quinnipiac River and the New Haven Harbor and the watersheds of these water bodies, and otherwise to benefit the environment of these resources.

Media contact information

Rose Aitken

M: +61 0434 749 574